About Me

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A Catholic stay-at-home wife and mother who is learning to value the beauty of homemaking by preparing meals from scratch with real food according to traditional principles, sewing/altering her own clothes, DIY decor projects, and reading books in her spare time, but most of all trying to be the virtuous woman from Proverbs 31.

Monday, April 28, 2014

The Necessity of Poetry

I feel like poetry has been largely ignored in our society today. I rarely ever hear poetry being read or recited, and having finished school I would not have to open a book of poetry if I didn't want to. However, my husband and I are trying to bring it back by having annual (hopefully soon to be semi-annual) poetry/music/literature nights. In the past, everyone would read poems aloud, which is great, but recently, since reading more on the classical education and the book "Ten Ways to Destroy the Imagination of Your Child" by Anthony Esolen, I have become convicted that we should regularly memorize poetry. Even us adults.

I am currently memorizing a new poem a week, and I find it is actually quite easy to do. I was very intimidated at first but once I got started, it was very easy to do while cleaning, folding, even cooking! And it doesn't take that long, either! And every time I have my 'poetry time' I practice all the previous poems I've learned so I don't forget them. 

I just think we need to bring back the lost art of poetry memorization and recitation. It is truly a lost art! Poetry is a true expression of the human soul for it is in poetry that the person is able to insert himself fully in a way that is not possible in prose. And it is in the process of memorization that I am forced to understand it and begin to contemplate it in a way that I simply do not when I am just reading. 

Bring back the lost art of poetry, people! Please! Do it in honor of the now SAINT John Paul II, a poet! Recite your favorite poems to a group of friends at a party, or in the evenings with your family after dinner. 

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