Then, as I reflected on the efforts of the flower lady to make the bouquet as beautiful as possible for my friend, I remembered a beautifully illustrated children's book called 'Miss Rumphius' by Barbara Cooney.
This book tells the story of a woman who is told as a little girl that she must someday do something to make the world more beautiful. So she lives her life but eventually remembers her resolution to do something to make the world more beautiful, so she begins to plant lupines all over the countryside. She becomes known as the 'Lupine Lady'. Only then, after she makes the world a little more beautiful, is Miss Rumphius truly happy.
A couple days after the experience I had with the flower lady, I was in adoration before the Blessed Sacrament, and I opened The Diary of St. Faustina, paragraph 208, and read, "O you small, everyday sacrifices, you are to me like wildflowers which I strew over the feet of my Beloved Jesus." So not only are we called to make the world more physically beautiful, but by our sacrifices we offer spiritual bouquets to our Lord, thus making the spiritual world more beautiful.
Then I randomly opened the book 'He and I' by Gabrielle Bossis to this passage: "I was giving [Jesus] a sacrifice and I said, 'It's a flower that I'm pinning to Your robe'. [He said]: 'Give Me these flowers often. (The voice seemed to smile). It's as though you added to My beauty. You see, when you become more beautiful, I become more beautiful. Oh, my little girl, how one we are! From the time of your morning Communion, right to your night's sleep, let us be one! And again, when you are fast asleep- one. Forever oneness....Would you like that? Then tell Me that you long for it. Keep it always before the eyes of your soul." -1941, May 30
When I read this, I knew our Lord desired me to specifically meditate on this theme of sacrifices offered to our Lord in the form of spiritual flowers. And not only do these sacrifices add to our spiritual beauty, but they add to Jesus's as well. It brings us into closer union with Him. Why would we not want to use these opportunities to grow closer to Him? We all have sacrifices that we could quietly offer throughout the day instead of complaining or venting later to our husbands.
This is the true work of being a homemaker. Making the house more beautiful, cooking a delicious, wholesome meal, yes, these things are important and good, but even more so we need to make ourselves more spiritually beautiful, more virtuous, so we can help our family members do the same. Then we can eventually all be together in heaven for eternity. This is our true and ultimate goal. Pray for me in this difficult yet crucial task and I will pray for you as well!